🔐Scrap ChatGPT & Dalle

Here you can find all the solutions for the Selenium like a ninja and the others exercices 😎

This project is designed to automate the process of generating images based on specific prompts and uploading these images, along with associated metadata, to Firebase. The automation is controlled through a script that integrates various components such as prompt generation, automated interactions with a web-based API, downloading and saving images, and updating progress to ensure efficient management of tasks.

    participant User
    participant ProcessCombinations
    participant KeyListener
    participant AutoBot
    participant API
    participant Firestore
    participant SaveProgress

    User ->> ProcessCombinations: start()
    ProcessCombinations ->> KeyListener: start()
    KeyListener ->> KeyListener: on_press()

    alt if quit_flag is set
        ProcessCombinations ->> User: "Quitting program."
        ProcessCombinations ->> ProcessCombinations: load_progress()
        loop through progress items
            ProcessCombinations ->> ProcessCombinations: check quit_flag
            alt if not completed
                ProcessCombinations ->> AutoBot: send_dalle_prompt(prompt)
                AutoBot ->> API: send_prompt()
                API ->> AutoBot: response()
                AutoBot ->> ProcessCombinations: sleep_time()
                ProcessCombinations ->> ProcessCombinations: sleep_with_progress_bar()
                ProcessCombinations ->> AutoBot: human_like_mouse_move()
                AutoBot ->> ProcessCombinations: capture_message()
                ProcessCombinations ->> ProcessCombinations: extract_time_durations(message)
                alt if wait time is required
                    ProcessCombinations ->> AutoBot: sleep_for_duration()
                    ProcessCombinations ->> AutoBot: download_images()
                    AutoBot ->> FileSystem: save_images()
                AutoBot ->> Firestore: upload_data()
                ProcessCombinations ->> SaveProgress: save_progress(progress)
    ProcessCombinations ->> User: "Processing complete."
    ProcessCombinations ->> AutoBot: driver.quit()
    ProcessCombinations ->> KeyListener: join()

Key Components: User Interaction:

The user initiates the process_combinations function, which is responsible for managing the overall workflow. KeyListener:

A separate thread is started to listen for the 'q' key press, allowing the user to safely quit the program at any time. ProcessCombinations Function:

Loads the progress from a JSON file to determine which combinations of prompts have already been processed. Iterates through the combinations, checking if any are incomplete. Constructs and sends prompts to the AutoBot class for image generation. AutoBot Class:

Handles the automated interactions with the web-based API to generate images based on the prompts. Manages sleep intervals to avoid rate limiting, simulating human-like behavior. Captures and processes any wait messages, dynamically adjusting the sleep time as needed. Downloads the generated images and saves them locally. Firestore:

Once images are downloaded, they are uploaded to Firebase Firestore along with relevant metadata. SaveProgress:

Marks each combination as completed in the progress file and saves it to ensure no repetition in future runs. KeyListener Cleanup:

Ensures that the key listener thread is properly terminated once the process is complete or if the user decides to quit. Project Goals: Automation:

Automate the generation of images based on a variety of prompts, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency. Rate Limiting Management:

Implement dynamic sleep intervals and human-like interactions to avoid being flagged by rate limits imposed by the API. Progress Tracking:

Maintain a JSON file to track the progress of processed prompts, ensuring that each prompt is only processed once. Error Handling:

Implement robust error handling to capture and manage issues such as API timeouts and manual intervention when necessary. Data Management:

Automatically upload generated images and their metadata to Firebase Firestore for easy access and management. User Control:

Provide an option for the user to safely quit the process at any time using a key listener. Summary: This project aims to streamline and automate the process of image generation based on specific prompts, handle rate limiting gracefully, ensure consistent progress tracking, and manage data efficiently by uploading to Firebase. By integrating these components, the project seeks to provide a reliable and user-friendly automation tool that reduces manual effort and enhances productivity in image generation tasks.

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